Atlantis is an ecosystem model that simulates the effects of adaptive management strategies on marine ecosystems, including biophysical, economic and social dynamics. Atlantic models the impacts of pollution, commercial fishing, coastal development, and climate change.
- Developer
- Model Information
- For more information about this model, go to
- Spatial Resolution
- The spatial resolution is defined as a coarse polygon grid and is user specified.
- Temporal Resolution
- The temporal resolution is user specified.
- Outputs
- Model outputs include ocean ecosystem nutrient cycling, food web dynamics, and fisheries dynamics.
- Intended User
- practitioner
- Model Type
- ecosystem
- Inclusion of Climate Change
- Climate conditions associated with ecosystem effects are included in the model.
- Geographic Region
- generalized
- Data Requirements
- data provided by the user
- Source Code Availability
- open source
- Dimensions
- not available
- Computational Burden
- medium
- Scenario Modeling
- scenarios by hand only
- Coding Language
- unknown
- Operating System
- not applicable
- Mathematical Approach
- deterministic, simulation
- Maintenance Plan
- maintained
- Date of Last Known Update
- not available
- User Manual
- go to documentation at
For more information and definitions of terms, see the codebook. Do you have feedback about this tool?